Do You Want Clean Indoor Air?

Improving Your Indoor Air Quality

Have you noticed more sniffles from your kids, and more pollen on your cars? It is officially spring, which means allergy season is here whether we like it or not. The reality is your home is susceptible to all of the dust, pollens, molds, and outdoor particles that float in with every open door and window. Regardless if you suffer from allergies, you could be breathing in polluted air while you are in your own home. Your HVAC system contributes to the quality of your indoor air and ALH Heating and Air is ready to help you make your home as comfortable and safe as possible. Let us help you achieve clean indoor air.

Signs of Poor Air In Your Home

Here are a few common signs that may be indicating your need for an HVAC specialist:

  • Excess dust around the home
  • A constantly running HVAC unit
  • Dirty filters
  • Increased energy bills
  • Increased allergies

Whole-Home Humidifiers

Do you regularly change your filters and still have excess pollutants in your home? If you have noticed a few of those signs above, you may be wondering what next steps you can take with ALH Heating and Air to be at peace with the quality of air you are breathing. Here at ALH, we encourage whole-home humidifiers to keep your home at ideal temperature and humidity. Low humidity in the home can dry out the air you breathe and negatively affect your respiratory system. It will also affect any wood, walls, and furniture in your home. By installing a whole-home humidifier, you are solving any problems that may lead to poor air quality. A humidifier works independently of your HVAC system by distributing moisture through a fan throughout your entire home. We install Bryant humidifiers that keep your home between 30% and 60% humidity.

Next Steps – Clean Indoor Air

If you are ready to breathe fresh, clean air, call Andy Lewis Hobson Heating and Air today for more information on our home humidifiers. With the safety and health of our customers at the forefront of our minds, our expert technicians are awaiting your call to schedule a quote today.